Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The never ending saga of my driving license

Just came back from my driving test, which not surprisingly, I flunked L

I had a bath, didn’t wear a mini skirt, remembered not to apply any smelly hair oil and most certainly don’t have body odour, but alas, I still failed!

A motor bike suddenly decided to speed out from behind a massive trailer turning away from me, which I of course completely omitted to anticipate! Darn the motorbikes, why can’t they be bigger? Darn the trailers for not being transparent! And I think it’s terribly unfair that Superman can see through Louis Lane’s dresses to see the colour of her innerwear but I can’t see through trailers to see a mobike!  And this, after waiting for over a minute for the straight traffic to pass me! Grump!

As if I hadn’t done enough to ensure that the assessor failed me, my frustration with my stupidity manifested itself in an instinctive expletive, which I think took a moment to register with everyone, including me. Almost as if in slow motion, I could hear an audible gasp from my fellow assessees, while the examiner looked at me for a while before asking me in a rather dangerous tone “What did you just say?” I am not sure who was more horrified (albiet for different reasons I am sure) she or me!

The expletive was a reaction, directed at myself, and while I was really tempted to apologise for the slip, I wasn't quite sure how she'd react if I did!

Mercifully, there are millions of words that rhyme with my rather crass judgement, and, Scrabble came to my rescue! Alas my fate was sealed! 8 more classes (I think I like the classes a lot more than the final test) and yet another test, sigh!

Not to mention a rather resigned, “never mind, we’ll buy the car next week” that I know I am going to hear J. R is at home today. Normally, if I as much as squeak into the room, he winces and grumbles in his sleep. Today, I made a lot of noise, hoping he would wake up and commiserate with me – not a squeak out of him!

Have friends from out of town coming over for dinner tonight. I think I will drown my sorrows in a bottle of wine or better still in a huge decadent tub of ice-cream with a large slice of an apple pie! Sob!

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